Restorative Health

Staying fit and creating movement for your body and mind are important factors in overall health and for breast cancer survivors. BCN offers several weekly restorative health activities free for breast cancer patients and survivors of WNY. BCN Restorative Health activities are all conducted by professional instructors and held at our facility on a weekly basis. Registration is required, and please check our calendar page for any last minute cancellations.

BCN Restorative Health Schedule

  • Wednesdays 10:30AM - 11:30 AM with Joanna Christopher

    Qigong, pronounced “chi gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.

    Zoom Link

  • Wednesdays 5:00 PM with Myriam Kelley

    Please register here

  • Thursdays 10:00AM - 11:00 AM

    This class is Zoom only. To attend virtually, please use this link and Password 3297.

  • Thursdays 2:00 PM

    Art therapy at BCN is an engaging activity where time flies and unknown talent is discovered.

    We meet from 2-4 pm on Thursdays, and no previous painting experience, ability to draw, or artistic talent is needed. I provide all of the supplies that you will need.

    You choose what and how you want to paint, and before you know it, you no longer need any guidance from the teacher, but I am always happy to help.

    Everyone is able to create beautiful art and have an enjoyable experience at our painting class.

    Come and give it a try and find out why our members often say at the end of class, ‘it can’t be 2 hours already, it feels like we just got here’, or ‘how wonderful, 2 hours without a single worry’.

    For more information, contact Linda Dugan at or 716-634-8866

  • Come get your body moving with Bobbie! Exercise can be beneficial for many reasons including overall health, reduction in stress, mood boost and so mcuh more.

    Adaptable to any level of ability, Bobbie will guide you through exercises for strength, balance, cardio and flexibility while listening to music. Chair modifications available if you are unable to sit on the floor and/or stand for long periods of time.

    Start with a warm up and end with a cool down, you'll leave feeling accomplished.

    Please register at the link below if you'd like to join!

    Please register here

  • Fridays at 11:15 AM

    Instructed by Julia Davis-Voss.

    An experience accessible to all levels of experience and all body types. Come enjoy mindfulness with gentle movement, aimed at stretching and strengthening, facilitated by Julia Davis-Voss.

    Julia will guide you through positions and movements to get your body moving, while guiding you into mindfulness.

    What is mindfulness?

    The practice of maintaining a non-judgemental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment to moment basis.

    The idea is to acknowledge thoughts and feelings, and allow them to exist within the space, while focusing your attention on your own body movements.

    All movements are done at your own pace. There are variations for each position to accommodate all needs.

  • Join Rachel Wallmeyer on the 4th Monday of each month from 5-7PM at Julia Boyer Reinstein Library on Losson Road. Bring any fabric project you are currently working on and spend the evenings with others.

    If you need materials, please email Rachel Wallmeyer.

    To Register, Click HERE


BCN Restorative Health activities are supported with funding from Windsong Cares Foundation